Monday, November 26, 2007

The first "steps" to Christmas

I have finally gotten around to decorating the house.  It has been crazy with all that is going on these past few months.  Plus all that we have coming up I don't know how I'll survive.  This family seems to never slow down but we also seem to never finish any of our tasks as well.  Poor Jag is suffering from yet another ear infection we feel so bad for him.  As of right now there is only one antibiotic that takes his infections away so we might be looking at tubes pretty soon.  I want to send a HUGE shout out to Ryan and his buddy Grant who literally spent all day putting up the lights on the house.  I must be OCD because I only wanted the white big bulbs (of course all facing the same direction) as decoration this year.  Seriously I am not kidding it took all day!  They were outside from morning till dusk.  Thanks for hanging in there boys the end result was well worth it, the house looks GREAT, BEAUTIFUL, STUNNING!  I can't say enough.  Love you Ry-Guy you always go the extra mile to make sure that I am happy!  Love to all...

P.S. Yes I did two trees this year!  One for me to decorate and no one else to touch, the other one for all of our family ornaments and the kids to do the decorating. We have yet to get around to letting the kids do it yet, I will post pictures when we get around to it.


Sadie Lou said...

i love your idea of putting picture fames on the christmas tree! that is a great idea! post a picture of your house with all the lights on, you know from the outside! that would be cool to look at! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Janae- Your house looks great. And this is the first time that I have seen pictures of Jagger this old. He is very handsome. Looks like you are very blessed.