Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Funny kiddos!

I am sitting tonight coloring with the girls and the following conversation takes place...

NAVIE- Mom, you are a good colorer it is because you are old.  All old people can color good.  The older you get the better you are at coloring and since you are 40 you are almost as good as  Nonna!

BLAKELY- Navie, Mom is not 40 she is 50 that is why she is getting better at staying in the lines.  Once I am 50 I can stay in the lines too.

NAVIE- Well the best colorer is still Nonna, because she is the oldest!

Sorry Mom but at least they didn't guess your age.  Wow, my birthday is just around the corner and my children have aged me 20 years!  I need that TLC show "10 Years Younger!"  Maybe they could teach me to scribble so that my children think that I am in my 20's wouldn't that be great!  Or at least I could get the Botox that I have been wanting.  My children have been making me laugh a lot lately.  After having a fourth child and all of them barely two years apart things around here have been hectic thank heavens for laughter!!!

I wanted to post a few pictures of how weird my children sleep.  Navie will NOT sleep in a bed she refuses to sleep by any windows.  Therefore she sleeps on an Elmo couch on the floor and half under the bed.  Blakely sleeps in the bed but will never sleep the right direction.  Trust me when I tell you that you never want to share a bed with her.  Not only that but she is a teeth grinder and that is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves to hear people grind their teeth.  Jag won't go to bed unless he can sleep with some of his balls and his "bubble gun." It is not a bubble gun it is a Nerf dart gun (thanks again Jaimie and Jon this kid is obsessed) he will not go anywhere without it and he cannot cock it himself so I do ALL day long.  Did I mention that I do that ALL day long seriously ALL day, when can they make a gun like that that a 2 year old can do himself.  Plus he has not succeeded at shooting until he gets them stuck on my ceiling and I walk around with a towel jumping trying to knock them off!  Boy that kid is crazy right now.  Don't worry all you moms out there I do go into his room at night and remove all the "extras" from his crib!  I love these kids and enjoy seeing their personalities grow and mature daily.  Slow down though because time is growing fast and I am trying to soak it all in!  I love you all.....


JJ said...

Oh how I love them! However, I cringe at the thought that if they think you are 40 or even 50, how old do they think Nanner is?

Shea is just like your kids while sleeping. My other two are fairly "normal."

Nic said...

I can't blame Navie, I have to always sleep by the door wherever we are. Just in case I have to make a mad dash out. Your kids are adorable.

vk said...

Love and kisses for you all. And Nonna is a "little," old.....just a little.


Caryn said...

SO funny- Wow I know I have known you for a while and I guess I never knew about your mad coloring skills!

TD said...

I like to see my kids while they are sleeping. It reminds me that they are truly my angels.

&D designs said...

Janae - Jagger is adorable - luvin workin with him!!