Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day 2009

We had a great day today with the family.  The kids woke up to a little gift from Cupid and they enjoyed coloring all morning.  I  must admit however the best gift to give Jagger is a helium filled balloon, he will play for days with them.  Then we had brunch at Grandmas house.  Roll-ups with all the fixins'  the kids love being at Grandmas because it means all the cousins and lots of play time.  Afterwards Ali and Macy and Lauren and Hailey came over to play so needless to say the kids were not hurting for entertainment.  Grandma then watched all the kids at night so that the adults go go out to play.  However to get to the more important part of Valentines Day one must always mention their "one!"  My one so happens to be a special soul.  It is hard to describe someone that has been there for you through the ups and downs and the merry-go-rounds of life.  I think back to when I first got married and thought "Wow, I was just a baby."  I have grown so much and learned and experienced and there has been one constant through that all.  My Ryan!  He is thoughtful and caring and goes out of his way to express love and endearment.  Regardless of where he is he makes sure that I feel special and loved.  It is hard to come across these holidays because of how truly thoughtful he is.  I am always thinking of something creative so that my gift stands a chance next to his.  So on this day I just want to express my love for "my love" and let him know that I adore him and have grown to be only half of what he can make a whole.  Thank you for all of your acceptance of me and for our beautiful children.  Life can only be moving in an eternal motion and ahead I see rainbows and butterflies.  Love to all on this special day!

P.S. I added some oldies but goodies of Ry-Guy and I.  Plus Tanner is the BMX champ.  The boy does not even try shows up for meets borrows someone elses bike and in his jeans is smoking the competition at the races!  Way to go!  Seriously he is a natural, first place!


aubri said...

Are you talking about Ryan????????? He is a pretty neat guy. He always puts a smile on our faces!!!! :)

Green Montana said...

Yes, we also LOVE Ryan. But we love being around your whole family and wish we could see you and the cute kids more often. I wanted to thank you for the adorable announcement for Greer. she is beautiful! I'd like to meet her...hopefully sooner than later. Any thoughts on visiting Montana??? We'd love to have you anytime. Take care of yourself. Love, Lindsey

Nic said...

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear JANAE, happy birthday to you!! Greer is so pretty!!