Sunday, February 10, 2008

Where are all the VAMPIRES?

I am warning you all that this post is a little forward for all of you that, like my dad, think that I have been raised in a barn yard and speak too much...  Be WARNED!  Anyway when Ryan was out of town in Montana he spoke with one of my friends and she strongly urged him to buy me the book "Twilight."  I know that over half of you reading this have already read the book and I have had so many people tell me to read it for a long time now but I HATE reading.  I cannot emphasize that enough I dislike reading a lot.  I get bored I fall asleep and I get headaches so overall I usually choose to stay away from them.  I can seriously count on one hand or maybe two (because of Harry Potter) how many books I have read.  Ryan got on my case saying that he never saw me reading this book and he wanted me to give it a try.  After a few days of hearing this I gave it a whirl.  Needless to say that I cannot put it down.  Most of you already know that I have a weakness for Naughty Boys!  I don't know what it is but Pirates of the Caribbean (Johnny, and Orlando) really made me crush on pirates.  Not that you see a lot of them roaming the streets now-a-days or for that sake ever!  However I do really have a thing for them.  Well now I can add vampires to the list!  I have never wanted to meet a vampire so bad in my life, seriously.  I am dead honest about that I am having dreams about naughty vampires.  What is my deal.  So now you all know what I really am drawn to.  For those of you that don't know Ryan that well, now you know that something drew me in.  Naughty Ryan!  


Green Montana said...

I guess Ryan had better head over to the party store and rent a cape and some fangs.

Caryn said...

Nae you are so funny! Glad you finally caught on! Now you just have to wait for the movie to come out and visit the author's home page a ton and then you will be as obsessed as me... Oh, and I have the books, so don't buy the other 2.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I DID NOT see that coming from gifting you an innocent sounding book called "Twilight". First of all, what do your comments say about your husband that you've always had a thing for "naughty boys". Is that why you married me b/c you thought I was naughty? I am as pure as they come...definitely not a naughty boy, however coincidentally I do happen to have fang type teeth and have always liked blood, I even hang upside down sometimes when I sleep. In addition, it just so happens that I really am a pirate...hook and all. Garrrr. Come and get it hot stuff! Okay, back to reality I feel like this blobing, er blogging thing is getting way too...well let's just say some things are left better unsaid. I almost feel like we are being immoral just blogging back and forth like this for all to see. By the way, vampires LOVE massages and pirates love to be hand bathed and love to tie their captives (you) up...okay, enough is enough. This entry and yours needs to be deleted before the rest of the blogging addicts, like your dad see all this. I love you grrr and I really do want to bite into your neck with my fangy (not sure if that's word!) like teeth!
PS. Lindsey thanks for making my wife fall in love with vampires, do you know how much money I'm going to have to spend to fulfill her dreams!!?? You seemed so innocent!

JJ said...

I thought you had already read these books. I got Jacqui to read them and even got Mom hooked. You've fallen behind but better late than never.

At least you won't have to wait as long for the fourth and final book which isn't being released until August 2nd.

Just you wait...I imagine you'll end up liking werewolves too.

The Farnsworth Family said...

Seriously laughing at your post... and then continued laughing my head off at Ryan's retort! You guys are a riot... Here is to hoping for more vampire dreams

Sadie Lou said...

ok we are so alike! i don't like reading at all either! but then my sister got me into twilight and i couldn't put it down either! and i had a HUGE crush on edward! and i also have a even bigger a GINORMOUS crush on johnney dept and olando bloom as pirates! they are sooooo hot as pirates! :)

Karole said...

Hey Janae...I to am a HUGE fan but did you know that the author of the books is KC's cousin? Pretty cool! When Twilight first came out Ellen (KC's Mom) came to me and said, "you have to read this book my neice wrote". At that time both my boys were so little and I didn't have time to read a book about vampires. Well, needless to say I finally gave in after all the pushing and proding from his mom and I have to say I was very impressed with his cousin. I love the series and can't wait for the movie to come out can you imagine how many crazed Edward fans will be lined up to see the movie! Well anyways just thought I would share that with you and tell Ryan THANKS so much for helping KC out!!!

Your family is so cute...I haven't seen you guys forever. I haven't even come down to see KaeLynn in over 2 years. I'm such a bad sister.