Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dear Mother...

I sit here on Sunday evening thinking about if my mom would be proud or disappointed in me today!  I thought that I had bought a roast at the grocery store for some good old fashioned Sunday dinner and was so excited to cook that thing up.  I woke up put it in the crock pot and left for church only to come home to find it completely done with a thermometer popped out of the back side.  It looked pretty pale to me so I dug out the wrapper and began to read that I had instead purchased a pork loin tender roast.  What the crap!  Mom, Jerianne, Jacqui they all got the good cooking gene but dingy Janae was lucky to even know how to turn on the crock pot.  After fretting about it I decided oh well and the thing tasted good after all!  I threw some potatoes in with it and shockingly even the children liked the "chicken!"  I always hesitate to cook dinner because Ryan is so picky, he barely eats anything that I know how to make.  I have this good friend (yes, I am going to mention names) Leigh that could be the next Racheal Ray.  Sincerely she makes gourmet meals all the time, and not just that she brought me some cupcakes once that I hid because I didn't want to share with the kids they were amazing, far better than Sprinkles.  Ryan begs to eat at her house because of how she cooks and he licks the plate clean.  Leigh I tried but I think you have to be born with that sort of "cooking talent" it does not come to me.  

This whole process got me thinking about what genes I have inherited from my mother and I started laughing thinking about everything that we have in common.  We both have back problems.  Mine a little less serious for the moment and my mother only has four screws and  numerous pins in her back to help her.  We both could play cards until all hours of the evening (big time night owls)!  However don't wake us up before a double digit on the clock because we are not happy or willing to become so without effort.  We both love to decorate our homes.  That has been passed down for generations.  My Mamaw and my late grandma all loved to do stuff to their house (even though the husbands think it is a waste of time and money).  We both love to clean our homes.  There is truly nothing better than seeing the lines on the carpet after a good vacuum.  Speaking of, my mother she just got a Dyson and I have a Wal-Mart special that believe me is not so special anymore.  When your cleaners even tell you that vacuum does not work I guess you need to start shopping around!  We both enjoy dancing.  She loves country swing and line dancing that sort of stuff and anything that she can do with my dad.  I enjoyed the peppier stuff and college dance was one of the best experiences of my life.  We both have this nasal issue that if we sleep on our right sides we have to hold our nose open so that we can breathe at night.  We both (this is creepy) have two girls then a boy and finally a girl (mine is coming).  Weird I know!  The list could go on and on but I am worn for today and it is time to relax in silence since the children are all down!  Mom, if you can think of some more feel free to add to the list!  Love you Mom and wish I could see you more often!


Lacey said...

You're having a girl? Congrats!

You never fail to make me laugh. I too did not get any type of cooking genes, I even have to ask my hubby questions.

Leigh said...

Thanks for the shout-out Janae!! Ok, that's really ALL I know how to do, you know me, my house is always a disaster, and I have to rely on my mother-in-law for hand-me-down things to decorate my house with. :( You're the best mom and congrats on your roast!! If you want, I seriously have the EASIEST recipe for a roast, it's a piece of cake.


vk said...

I am proud to have anything in common with you! I'll take what I can get. Love you tons.....


meg said...

Your mother's awesome, so anything you have in common with her is a plus! And congrats on another girl! Girls rule (except when you have boys- they're awesome too). Good luck!