I just got word that RaymondDesigns.com which is the best art work in the world is offering a holiday discount! I absolutely LOVE this stuff and if you have come to my house you can see SEVERAL pieces on display. Order anything and then at checkout type in the promotional code THANKS and it will take 50% off! They are only leaving this offer up for a few weeks so get on it. I promise you that you will not be disappointed I can't recommend this enough. Trust me!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Best Offer EVER!
I just got word that RaymondDesigns.com which is the best art work in the world is offering a holiday discount! I absolutely LOVE this stuff and if you have come to my house you can see SEVERAL pieces on display. Order anything and then at checkout type in the promotional code THANKS and it will take 50% off! They are only leaving this offer up for a few weeks so get on it. I promise you that you will not be disappointed I can't recommend this enough. Trust me!
Friday, October 24, 2008
A Little bit of everything...
I just have a few random pictures that I wanted to post so here they are. Gail my ever so wonderful, don't know what I would do without him, father-in-law has been so helpful lately. He comes over and fixes everything from toilets to garbage disposals. He is always willing and can come most anytime you need him. He loves to do random stop-overs and see the kiddos he even claims he comes over to visit me as well. Well the other day he said that he wanted to paint our garage. Who am I to stop him from performing acts of service!! He found the paint and came over every morning for four days to do it all. It looks so good and makes me feel like my house is even more ready (in terms of nesting) for the baby! He did such an excellent job and I can't tell him enough how much I appreciate it. I love you Gail and am grateful that you are always so willing to help out.
Navie recently started gymnastics again and it is insane how much she loves it. All I hear about everyday is "when do I go to gymnastics?" She is constantly wanting to go and if money grew on trees she probably would be going every single day. She is getting so good at it but it also teaches her some exercise and fun ways to be healthy. Her cousins are all in it together and she can't get enough of them. Marley and Maddie, plus Hailey and Lauren all attend the same gym the same day the same time. I think it is more fun for them all than a learning experience. Now I just need to stop being so lazy and get Blakely involved in something. Poor second and third and so on children I really do need to realize that Navie is not an only child!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
This crazy bird is.... NESTING!
I can't believe how hard nesting has hit me this time around. I seriously don't walk by one cabinet, counter, shelf, or wall without a rag dipped in Pine-Sol ready to do a wipe-down. I seriously walk around with rags on my feet once again soaked in the best smelling stuff in the world, Pine-Sol, to constantly be cleaning spots off the floors. I can't stand to see laundry in the hampers so I constantly am trying to stay up on that. If I could balance on a ladder well the fans would look night and day different (however poor Ryan is going to have to complete that chore for me!) It is a little crazy I have cleaned out closets three times now and still find bags of stuff to discard. I have rearranged and reorganized drawers and drawers and drawers, there is not way that they are getting messed up as quick as I am straightening them. I don't know what my problem is but if my children knew what I was doing to all their toys they would have some serious melt-downs. I gave each child a cabinet in the front room and some bins in their closets and I think that is FAR more than enough room for toys. Anything extra should be given to the needy (especially for this time of year)! Who knew that Blakely literally owned 50+ dolls, that they all came with baby bottles and cloth diapers. Who knew that together my children had 50+ stuffed animals. Some of which I don't think that have looked at twice. At least now Navie is into more of the grown-up stuff like writing and coloring, art and books. Jag has all the balls, bats, trucks, and blocks that he needs, and Blake never needs to see a new doll, stroller, or baby bottle again! Plus don't even get me started on stuffed animals! So for Christmas you will all be gifted a few stuffed animals and as a bonus they might be accompanied by a bottle or diaper! Cross your fingers that you are one of the lucky ones!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
So Genius!
This will be short there is not much to say... Tonight while cooking my favorite, chicken and noodles, I managed to pour boiling broth onto my belly. Yes, people it is so large and in the way that I burned it through two layers of clothing. It instantly peeled the skin right off of the burnt area and my girls quick reaction of ice I think has saved me. Needless to say it still hurts and is blistered but I think that the baby and I will survive. I probably gave her her first ever sun burn with many more to come!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Atta Girls!
I have been trying relentlessly to introduce chores to my girls. To be fair Blakely has always been good at helping. She follows me all day to see what she can do to be like me. If I am folding clothes she is folding clothes, when I am at the sink she wants to wash the dishes, when I clean mirrors she wants to wipe them down. Navie on the other hand is a different story. To even get her to pick up her own back pack and shoes is borderline impossible. The child does not want to lift one finger. In fact she is very good at getting Blakely to help her with almost anything that she is required to do. So this evening I thought that we would do a fun chore. Yes, there is such a thing. We went into the garage to clean and with a little soapy water and a hose it became a huge slip and slide. The girls loved it we got to scrub the floor and make all the "dark spots" disappear. Not only that but the girls were skating on their knees and having a great time. I think that I have definitely found something that the girls both love to help with. Plus the end effect was great. Their Dad was so excited that he treated us all to our favorite Bahama Bucks! The girls are now asking when we will get to do it again. Now my mind is racing how to make a slippery situation out of my tile floors...
Monday, October 6, 2008
Febreeze fresh!
So it finally happened I officially have washed my phone inside my pants in the washing machine. Ironically enough at Jakes ball game tonight Aimee, Joyce, and I were all talking about how much we lose our phones and I turned out to be the one that misplaces it the most now cleans it the most as well. I will say that it came out sparkling clean and smelling Febreeze fresh! I can't say though that I am out too much considering that it was a Wal-Mart special at a whopping $19.99 but at least it looked somewhat modern. However don't fret everyone thanks to Jerianne I still have the alien phone and it is up and working. I am kind of excited to watch all the flashes that it does and the cool ring tones. Most of you remember my alien phone! How could you forget, right?! Ammon especially loves it and I'm sure that he will be excited to see it again. Thanks JJ for always keeping me prepared! This is not a sign that I will answer more I am still anti-phone...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Happy birthday to Tio! He is my totally sweet, sensitive, caring, loving, handsome, funny, wonderful brother and we love him so much. I am so glad that he is such a great uncle to my kids and everyone flocks to him when they are around! You are also such a super dad to Creed, Jonathan! We can't wait to see you again and the kids are jumping at the bit to see all your "toys" that you have at your new house! Stay wonderful and have a great year!
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