Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So Genius!

This will be short there is not much to say...  Tonight while cooking my favorite, chicken and noodles, I managed to pour boiling broth onto my belly.  Yes, people it is so large and in the way that I burned it through two layers of clothing.  It instantly peeled the skin right off of the burnt area and my girls quick reaction of ice I think has saved me.  Needless to say it still hurts and is blistered but I think that the baby and I will survive.  I probably gave her her first ever sun burn with many more to come!


Lacey said...

oh ouch, I'm so sorry. I'm quite positive you look adorable with that "large" belly!

Emma Jo said...

Yikes! I hope that it heals fast, burns hurt the worst!! (not like a pregnant woman needs anything else that is uncomfortable to deal with!) and I am so happy to read that you are having a girl!! I was wondering about that whole gender thing :)

TD said...

I know that your belly is not that huge. I was only four months along with Paige when the doctor asked if twins ran in the family. I was a bit big.
Hope you heal soon!

Anonymous said...

So sorry, Honey!! Hope it's all better. Here's a kiss for both you and that sweet little girl.

Maybe cooking just isn't your thing, but you have taught your girls to run for ice!! That's a good thing!!:-)) How about "drop and roll" for the next lesson!:-))

Love from KC!!

Leigh said...

Dang! I guess you'll just have to send Ryan for tak-out these next few months!

meg said...

I totally did the exact same thing while I was pregnant with Jameson!! It hurt like heck and like I wasn't already uncomfortable. I feel your pain, I mean, I felt your pain. But either way - poor you!!

&D designs said...

How sad, but you are adorable prego

aubri said...

I hope she doesn't hold a grudge. :) Good thing it wasn't your boobs!

vk said...

I'm coming and leave the cooking to me, please!
