Thursday, November 6, 2008

What a day!

To all of those that like positive attitudes at all times I suggest that you stop reading now and move on!  It has just been one of those days.  Who knows why, pregnancy hormones, bad luck, a combination of both.  All I know is that I am glad that it is night time and that we can start anew in the morning (hopefully with a better attitude!)  It all started early this morning when at 3am Blake walks in and wants me to come sleep with her.  She is scared of our room and refuses to lay with us she only wants her bed.  When I was too tired to comprehend she started crying and wouldn't leave my side.  I walked into her room to find Navie awake and upset as well.  We all piled into the bed and tried to sleep.  I slept through my alarm and had seriously five minutes to get Navie up and ready for school.  Luckily she woke up well and we hurried fast so that I didn't have to drive her and fight all the school traffic.  Then this morning around noon I hear Jag crying and turn around to find his mouth covered in blood.  Yes folks we have now knocked out his two front teeth four times.  It has to be a record somewhere!!!  I swear my brother is getting a run for his money (he has done that 8 times.)  I am hoping that Jag can stop the competition and just be happy with second place.  By the way Jag slipped on a spoon that was on the tile floor and that is how he ate enamel.  To top it off I was not paying attention this afternoon to what the kids were playing with and come to find out that Jag and Blake had decided to play store with mommy and daddies credit cards and wallets.  I was not paying attention and went to take the kids playing at a playground this evening to find my wallet emptied and tossed about.  I get home only to find out that Ryan found his wallet outside completely empty with contents strewn about by our garbage cans.  That started the two hour "Let's find Mommies wallet stuff" game that the kids quickly lost interest in.  So at family prayers that evening we prayed that we could find moms stuff (Blakely actually said the prayer and then asked Jesus to give her a dollar when she found them) and that things would be alright.  Needless to say I am still a HUGE believer in prayers and twenty minutes later I found the missing contents under a stereo adaptor in the cabinet.  Way to go JAG, great hiding spot!  I woke the girls to tell them that prayers come true when you have faith and Blake asked me if I got my dollar...  I swear Ryan and I don't bribe our kids?!.  To finish the evening I guess I should have prayed for one more thing and that is to find my phone.  Now missing for almost a week.  I have searched ad cleaned and organized and thrown about this whole house, both cars included and cannot find it.  Sad thing is I don't really miss it I just wonder who thinks I am the rudest person in the world ignoring all their calls!  So remember folks if you have been trying to call, I have no idea and probably won't for a while.  Who knows where it went...  Someone pray for me!


Anonymous said...

Mamaw and Papaw say prayers daily for you and your sweet family, and the new little one.

You are right, prayers are answered, remember when Papaw lost his glasses on the float trip, and we looked for them for the longerst time without finding them. You said a prayer and Jerianne walked in the stream, and found them in just a few steps!!

Keep safe and happy, and give the kids a hug.


Bryce and Brit said...

you always make me laugh! your stories are always so great. i'm so glad i had a moment to read one of your novel blog entries. they are always hilarious! you are so good at writing everything. who knows when you get the time. it does make me miss the crap out of you. i cant wait to see this baby coming. greer? she is going to be adorable. i think i have a crush on jag. he looks so freaking cute on halloween! ps. tell jacqui she looks amazing. where are photos of you(:?

Emma Jo said...

You totally get a "bless your heart!". I will pray for you because the two worst things to lose in the entire world (besides your kids I suppose) are your wallet and phone. Hang in there, days like that make us appreciate the other "less-sucky" days.

Caryn said...

Ok, that is one yucky day. No wonder you haven't answered my phone! You need a new one anyway, {hint hint Ryan} Oh and I found that link for the crochet headbands/ caps... It's my friend Jessie's stuff

TD said...

Ahhhhhhhh, Hopefully things got better in the morning. It is worse though to lose the kids. This is from someone who knows.

Daydreaming, tree hugging human named lindsey said...

what a day! holy cow. If you ever need help please let me know. I would love to let you off the hook for even a few hours. :)

Shannon said...

I knew you had a blog, but I found it on Leigh's so I decided to stalk you. I love that my children are not the only ones that hide important stuff. guy would have killed me if he came home and my kids had played with his wallet ( because you know it is our fault when the kids do that stuff! Heaven forbid I turn my eyes off them to go to the bathroom! ) Hope your feeling well.