Sunday, November 30, 2008


This year due to that fact that I was SO pregnant we stayed in AZ.  I missed all my family that made it out to Colorado and I know that they had a great holiday as well.  We had a lot of fun here and made many memories.  It was at Grandma and Grandpas house and the Lunts joined us.  The dinner was fabulous like always and I was only in charge of pies and a relish tray.  Which in translation means Village Inn and Wal-Mart.  I feel bad that everyone knows I can't cook because they always take on the bulk of the responsibilities and leave me with hardly anything.  Maybe someday when my sanity returns I will try to learn to cook and be more helpful.  Since that will not be anytime soon I pre-apologize for all the upcoming holidays and special occasions.   We had a great meal then got to relax and wait for the Cardinals game.  The children played ALL day together and then made and frosted sugar cookies in the evening.  I even enjoyed the weather it rained which I love, we hardly ever get to see that as well.  We played games and I don't know how but Tanner won every single one.  The only disappointment was the Cards, sad to say they were horrible.  Overall we had a great time and really enjoyed being together.  Happy Thanksgiving to all and I look forward to Christmas!


Beth said...

just wanted to wish you good luck with your upcoming arrival! can't wait to see pics and find out the name!

crazy woman with 4 kids soon!

Nic said...

Wow you have only 15 days!! I hope your child will bless you with sleep. You will have to tell me your tricks. Hope everything goes well. Take care.

The Bevans said...

I found you on Jacqui's blog and had to say hi! Your family is growing up! It's hard to believe it's been 6 years since you had Navie! Fun to see your cute family though. Good luck with your new little babe!