Sunday, October 25, 2009

A special Sabbath

This Sunday was our wards Primary Program. I must say this time of year rolls around and Ryan and I get very nervous that our girls will be too shy to participate. What a special surprise it was when both our girls bravely walked to the pulpit and said their lines so confidently and clearly. Our leaders did such an amazing job this year and there was just such a priceless spirit that was abundant. They had the great idea of asking all the children to wear white, you wouldn't believe the sight of a hundred children standing and singing in unison about their Savior dressed like pure angels! I must admit the part that choked me up the most I am going to share with you. There is a song called "A Child's Prayer" and the children sang the first verse to us that goes as follows:

Heavenly Father, are you really there?
And do you hear and answer every child's prayer?
Some say that heaven is far away,
But I feel it close around me as I pray.
Heavenly Father, I remember now
Something that Jesus told disciples long ago:
"Suffer the children to come to me."
Father, in prayer I'm coming now to thee.

Then the congregation responded by singing to the children the second verse in unison we replied:

Pray, he is there;
Speak, he is listening.
You are his child;
His love now surrounds you.
He hears your prayer;
He loves the children.
Of such is the kingdom, the kingdom of heaven.

I felt as though my children were asking me a question and I had the wisdom to answer them and help them to understand our eternal plan. What an amazing Sacrament and I hope that everyone reading gets the opportunity to see their wards Primary Program and witness the children teach us about eternal families. I love the examples my children are surrounded by and those that take time out of their lives to bless them by teaching them. Thank you!


Emma Jo said...

So beautiful, the family and the experience!! I just love the primary program and look forward to it every year. What a sweet sweet experience.

Jaimie said...

I am so thrilled that the kids had the courage to participate. Wish I could have been there. I guess I support other peoples grandchildren :) Love the family pictures.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures of everyone!!

And the Primary makes me cry everytime. The first Sunday we were in Houston, it was Primary Sunday, and even though I didn't know one child, I still cried. There is nothing sweeter than an innocent little child!!

Greer is growing like a weed! Love to you all!

Jen Olson Brown said...

I'm going to be out of town for the Primary Program, but I doubt anything could have been as powerful as that. Thanks for sharing. I can only imagine the spirit and the feeling of the audience responding to such innocent inquiry.

Agathar Creaciones said...

Hola, Veo que formaste una familia y que fuiste a Bs aS ....Soy Meliza Chamorro me bautizaste el 26 de may del ´95 y te reconoci por tu foto aunque por un momento dude porque en mi foto tenias 21 y ya te volvias a Us. pero bue aca estoy buscandote en la red me alegra ver que sos feliz, yo me case y ahora vivo en Mexico.!/melizanoelia.chamorroacevedo ( mi face por si queres verme y si queres escribirme , Dios te Bendiga espero tener noticias tuyas....