I have not posted some photos in so long that I went through my camera to see if I had anything that has yet to be announced. This is the best that I could come up with! Ryan got the girls a Wii for Christmas and they have had a ball with it. Okay so actually I am the number one fan of bowling I really love it. Anyway so Ryan got the girls the High School Musical game that goes with it. It has a microphone and a sing along game. They pick a character and a song with a venue and atmosphere they really love it. Not to mention that I think Navies first crush ever (other than her dad of course) has got to be Troy Bolton. My parents got her an "I love Troy" shirt at Disney World and no joke she wears it at least every other day. She tries to wear it daily but I have put my foot down on that. Ryan gets a little irritated at the shirt and is constantly trying to hide it so she will forget about it. She has not forgotten yet! Here are some pictures of the crew playing their favorite High School Musical! Love to all...
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Troy Bolton 4-ever
I have not posted some photos in so long that I went through my camera to see if I had anything that has yet to be announced. This is the best that I could come up with! Ryan got the girls a Wii for Christmas and they have had a ball with it. Okay so actually I am the number one fan of bowling I really love it. Anyway so Ryan got the girls the High School Musical game that goes with it. It has a microphone and a sing along game. They pick a character and a song with a venue and atmosphere they really love it. Not to mention that I think Navies first crush ever (other than her dad of course) has got to be Troy Bolton. My parents got her an "I love Troy" shirt at Disney World and no joke she wears it at least every other day. She tries to wear it daily but I have put my foot down on that. Ryan gets a little irritated at the shirt and is constantly trying to hide it so she will forget about it. She has not forgotten yet! Here are some pictures of the crew playing their favorite High School Musical! Love to all...
Sunday, January 27, 2008
In Loving Memory
I am sure you have all heard by now that our beloved prophet passed away this evening in Salt Lake City. He will be greatly missed and fondly remembered. I think the thing about President Hinckley that I will remember the most is how funny he was! Some of the best talks and pictures of him have amazing personality and humor that shines through. As I was explaining to the children this evening what had taken place and tried to explain the reunion that is taking place Navie said to me "Mom why did he have to die?" The first thing that came to my mind was because of how many people were waiting to see him again on the other side. I told her that his wife had been wanting to see him for a while now and we were going to be able to see him again someday as well. We all loved him and will miss him. What a blessing we all got to listen to such a great man! Love to all...
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Six Mysteries, you might not want to know?!
So I have been officially tagged to tell you all six things about me that you might not already know. So here goes, before I am letting everyone know that I will try my hardest to keep this clean and appropriate. Just for precautionary reasons lets rate this NC-17.
#1. I talk too much! Anyone in my family on both sides can vow for this. I do not have personal secrets and quite often I tell too many stories and most the time they are inappropriate. My censor part of my brain does not kick in quick enough (or at all) and therefore if you are around me too often you normally will pay the price. The saddest part of all is that I very rarely if at all ever regret what I say. I figure if you are around me then hang on it might be a wild ride. Plus you always have the option to step away from the coaster...
#2. I CANNOT go to bed if my house is messy or there are dishes in the sink. Every night after my children go down I spend the next little while cleaning up. Shockingly enough I love doing this and I look forward to this time of night everyday.
#3. I am the least intelligent of all the Jardines and Burkinshaws. I know shut your mouths everyone, it is shocking I seem highly intelligent but I have fooled you all! I am the only one on both sides that didn't complete college (although I think my parents think they paid for the full four years) I really just went to some sort of "learn one trade" school.
#4. I am extremely touchy! I cannot just say hello without giving a hug or nudge or something. My whole family is this way and I just don't know any different. Sorry to all of you that I have made feel uncomfortable I just love to goose people every once in a while. It is just so natural. Don't really know if that is good or bad, but oh well.
#5. My children look homeless as do I most the time. I know this is not a mystery to most of you but to those that don't see me frequently I thought I would share. Normally I let my girls dress themselves and most days that is quite interesting. They wear dresses over jeans and flip flops everyday, tank tops on top of long sleeved shirts and headbands over pony tails. I think I just have yet to pick this as the battle that I want to fight, so let their creative juices flow for right now! Jag almost all days stays in his footied pajamas because I can think of nothing more that I would rather wear. My footies wore out last year and I have yet to find me some more. Therefore I guess that I am living through him. I think that he has just been so sick that I think he needs his feet and everything covered all day. I could be wrong but with how intelligent I am I doubt it!? As for me I have an internal struggle with the need of make-up on days that I am never going to leave the house. Of course that was one of my resolutions so I am working on it.
#6. I adore my family. I very rarely write about how thankful I am for Ryan. He works so hard to give us all that we need and want. Not to mention that he does supply great vacations so that we can grow super memories together. It is so weird to think that we are a growing family that has children in school and activities. I always thought that people in my stage were so old. Who knows I think I might be old, my body is that is for sure! My children are wonderful even though the estrogen floes like water around here. Drama is part of our everyday cycle but we have gotten used to it all and enjoy the ups and downs.
So I think that I have done it and you all, I'm sure, feel like you know me some much better. Sorry if I once again said too much but that is what I tend to do! Love to all...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
New Found Respect!
So for Christmas one of my gifts (also probably one of the favorite) was a brand new bike and a bike trailer. I got a really cool pink beach cruiser that is also very "female" friendly. Otherwise known as a big old "birthed three kids (and more to come)" seat. Although I have some excess that likes to flop over the side, that's okay though because I have become attached to my muffin and am rather fond of the extra padding. Anyway back to the point of the story I have really thought a lot about my dad lately after receiving this buggy for the kids. My father used to pull all of us in a bright red and black plastic buggy with ginormous wheels. He was so good at this and it was always the highlight of our bike rides. We used to argue about who got the privilege to ride in the buggy. I won a LOT of the times! It was a great time. Anywho I have been pulling little Jag and not so little Blakely everyday on our bike rides and I am DYING! Seriously I know that I am severely out of shape and need some exercise but my thighs are a burning.... I mean I sometimes contemplate whether or not to walk the bike it's that bad! Mind you I live in good old AZ where there are no hills or mountains but I think that I must live on Everest (at least it feels that way on the way up.) So thank you good old Dad for pulling us much bigger children behind your bike because I do remember the hills on that bike trail and they were HUGE! So here's to getting more exercise and hoping that someday my thighs won't burn as severely and the shin splits will ease up! Love to all...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
I figure that it is about time that I give props to those who deserve them. So first and for most thanks to Elliot. He has done so much for me in my new house. The pictures are of the island that he built out for me (before it was just plain drywall.) He also added crown molding to my kitchen cabinets and is only half way done. I have decided to go even higher! Such a female thing to do. However he is also the talent behind the beautiful frames that I have in my house. No joke he made them and he can make you some too. He does bulletin boards and frames, moldings, built-ins honestly you name it he can do it. The poor guy is never going to escape me because I have endless ideas at what I want done to my house. Seriously though anyone that wants his number just give me a call he is absolutely WONDERFUL! God given talent... Second props need to go to my talented sister Jerianne who set up my whole blog. There is always a smart and talented kid in the bunch and she got it all! She can do anything that needs to be done and never complains. Wish I had some of that skill. Anyway thanks to you guys you have not only made my life so much easier but way more beautiful as well. Love to all!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Such tender MERCIES!
Oh what a day today has been. I finally got Jag into the doctors office and they agreed that it is definitely time for tubes. So after we clear up his 7th ear infection in 9 months we will be getting those done. To top that off I forgot to let everyone know that yesterday I once again got pulled over for tint! I cannot believe that police officers are out there looking for tint abusers. Needless to say I am OVER IT! We have already been in discussions about a new car so that is the road we are going to take. I had my children in the car when it happened and the nice police officer (after checking that they were properly buckled (no kidding)) gave them all a police badge sticker. Thank the heavens above that Blakely had decided that she was going to stay buckled that day and so Mommy didn't go to jail. After I praised the children for being buckled and told them that had they not been mommy would have gone to jail Navie responded in the following way.... "Mom, it would be okay if you went to jail because I would have the policeman take me to Grandmas house then she could take me home, because she knows where I live. Then don't worry because I would come and visit you everyday and hopefully they would let you out before you die!" So my five year old thinks jail is okay and that visitation is ample time together. Oh, Boy do I have some teaching to do or I have already screwed up big time! Who knows? Anyway to finish the day off my children got out a very pleasant toy that they received for Christmas for my lovely sister in law. Granted her daughter is way more responsible with them then my children are so she didn't know better. My children "Squeeze-Painted" the entire counter parts of their clothing then finished it off by making them finger paints. So my night ended with me scrubbing floors and counters clothing and children. What sweet spirits they are they send me tender tender MERCIES on a daily basis. Of course I don't know if I am looking at that in the proper way that President Bednar did. My trash can is larger tonight after the new addition of the squeeze paints. Sorry girls I just couldn't clean those up anymore... Love to all!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
New Years Resolutions!
I know that most people don't share their new year resolutions but I figured that maybe I would share a couple in the hope that some of my friends that live near by will help me stick to them. The first is that I need to put make-up on more than just Sunday. I look around at all these beautiful girls that are all done up everyday and think wow how do they do that. I feel bad for my husband who takes such good care of himself and I think that I need to do the same so that he doesn't feel like he married a barn yard animal (or so my dad calls it!) I am that girl that never and I mean NEVER gets ready, sorry Ryan I am definitely going to work on that. That also includes wearing something other than my ever so classy lounge pants with over sized tee-shirt. I am really going to try. My second resolution is that I need some sort of exercise. I figured this out when over these past few weeks we have been playing some rigorous games on the wii. So I wake up the next morning and my forearm tricep and bicep (on my bowling arm) are in pain. I mean really sore. I realized how pathetic and embarrassing this truly is and have decided to try to do something about it. I have made the decision that I am going to exercise twice a week (I have to start somewhere) I don't know how much but I am going to start. So please be excited for me I am going to really try to stick to these two in the hopes that I can make a change. For the better I hope! Love to all!
All Boy!
I will post about Christmas later but for right now I am learning what it is like to have a son. It all started the day before New Years when we were playing in Nonnas basement and Jag decided to eat a marble sized magnet. Actually I think that I helped it along... I heard the gag noise and turned around in time to know that he had put a part of the magnetix toy inside his mouth. I ran over and proceeded to shove my finger so far down his throat that I pushed it all the way down. He gave out a great big burp and continued playing while I panicked trying to call Ryan. After much advice from others I just let it be and two days later out came the magnet. I cleaned it off thoroughly and saved it so that I can keep track of all that my son swallows in his lifetime. A day later Jag was climbing up a chair when he slipped fell and split the inside part of his lip wide open. After much bleeding and ice chips he calmed down and continued in his normal chipper way. Once again the next day he climbed into bed with the dogs (we are dog sitting and have three dogs here at the present time) and one of the "not our" dogs bit him on the cheek. Good thing his daddy wasn't here or we would have had one less dog to return to it's original owner. So now he has a bite mark down one side of his face a swollen lip a very clean intestines, and last but not least I forgot to mention that ONCE AGAIN he is on antibiotics for and ear infection. Needless to say when we get home tubes will be going in. I am DONE with all the ear infections and I think my poor boy is as well. I love and adore my son but he is definitely ALL BOY!
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