Saturday, January 5, 2008

All Boy!

I will post about Christmas later but for right now I am learning what it is like to have a son. It all started the day before New Years when we were playing in Nonnas basement and Jag decided to eat a marble sized magnet. Actually I think that I helped it along... I heard the gag noise and turned around in time to know that he had put a part of the magnetix toy inside his mouth. I ran over and proceeded to shove my finger so far down his throat that I pushed it all the way down. He gave out a great big burp and continued playing while I panicked trying to call Ryan. After much advice from others I just let it be and two days later out came the magnet. I cleaned it off thoroughly and saved it so that I can keep track of all that my son swallows in his lifetime. A day later Jag was climbing up a chair when he slipped fell and split the inside part of his lip wide open. After much bleeding and ice chips he calmed down and continued in his normal chipper way. Once again the next day he climbed into bed with the dogs (we are dog sitting and have three dogs here at the present time) and one of the "not our" dogs bit him on the cheek. Good thing his daddy wasn't here or we would have had one less dog to return to it's original owner. So now he has a bite mark down one side of his face a swollen lip a very clean intestines, and last but not least I forgot to mention that ONCE AGAIN he is on antibiotics for and ear infection. Needless to say when we get home tubes will be going in. I am DONE with all the ear infections and I think my poor boy is as well. I love and adore my son but he is definitely ALL BOY!


The Farnsworth Family said...

Oh the ways I can empathize!! I love boys and all of their rough and tumbles but seriously how they live past 2 I will never know. We have 3 times the craziness in our house. Let's just say the Dr. knows us VERY well. :)

Sadie Lou said...

oh my goodness i have never heard any thing like that! i can't beleive that he swallowed that and is fine! he is amazing! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Poor Jag and Jag's Mom, thats what you get for leaving us so long... JK GLad to see you are getting the tubes, Berk is so much better with them.