Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Years Resolutions!

I know that most people don't share their new year resolutions but I figured that maybe I would share a couple in the hope that some of my friends that live near by will help me stick to them. The first is that I need to put make-up on more than just Sunday. I look around at all these beautiful girls that are all done up everyday and think wow how do they do that. I feel bad for my husband who takes such good care of himself and I think that I need to do the same so that he doesn't feel like he married a barn yard animal (or so my dad calls it!) I am that girl that never and I mean NEVER gets ready, sorry Ryan I am definitely going to work on that. That also includes wearing something other than my ever so classy lounge pants with over sized tee-shirt. I am really going to try. My second resolution is that I need some sort of exercise. I figured this out when over these past few weeks we have been playing some rigorous games on the wii. So I wake up the next morning and my forearm tricep and bicep (on my bowling arm) are in pain. I mean really sore. I realized how pathetic and embarrassing this truly is and have decided to try to do something about it. I have made the decision that I am going to exercise twice a week (I have to start somewhere) I don't know how much but I am going to start. So please be excited for me I am going to really try to stick to these two in the hopes that I can make a change. For the better I hope! Love to all!


Sadie Lou said...

oh i know exactly what you are talking about! if i didn't have to go to school i would never get dressed or get myself ready at all! and i love to exercise when i can, because i feel so much better! so good luck! :)

Anonymous said...

I love it, we can ride bikes together! Props for tying to get ready more, that takes way too much effort!

zippity-do-da said...

Way to Go, Nae. My new year's resolution is to think about exercising everyday. I think this is a great improvement. As for the makeup. My solution is to just let your one application a week last longer. If you never wash your face, then the makeup can last forever. (Showering is a rare privalege in my house).

The Farnsworth Family said...

I think what isn't fair is that you can not get ready and still look beautiful! Most of us get ready for that very reason... Yay for exercising! Hope it is going good :)