Thursday, March 6, 2008

Space Mountain

This is my brother in law Brandon and his wife Meghan in the front row on Space Mountain today.  Does that man look scared or what?  Ryan and I just pray that he remembered his depends and that they don't come across the Dumbo ride because it is a REAL terror!  Hang in there Brandon and don't worry no one will ever see this picture.


The Farnsworth Family said...

So naughty... I think I have been scared on space mountain one time too. But I don't remember because I haven't been to Disneyland since I was like 13 :)

Caryn said...

I need the depends after that picture! HiLaRIOuS! Hope they had fun, sure wish they actually updated their own blog...

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone else look to be enjoying themselves and having a blast except for the guy in red? This picture was going to be our marketing brochure for Disney Worldwide with his wife all happy, cuddly and having fun and then the picture of him makes our ride look like it's the A-Train to HELL! We are very disappointed that 5 out of 6 seem to be having a blast!
Maybe next time start him on our "Tea Cups", actually do the "Small World" ride, it's probably more his style!
A very disappointed,
Walt Disney IV

*Minnie Mouse even smiles on this ride!