Saturday, March 15, 2008

Worst Day Ever!

Anyone that is familiar with Spongebob Squarepants might have a clue what I am talking about when I say "the worst day ever!.  Of course on the show the song was "The Best day ever!"  I have changed it around to fit the day that I have had today.  To start everything off we are suppose to be leaving town tomorrow.  Who knows if that will happen now.  Jag was playing at the back door and the screen was not securely fastened so what happens...  He falls through the door and crashes onto the cement below.  The result of course has to be directly related to his new front teeth.  He shoved the teeth up into his gums and fractured the bonding that was just put in place.  Now his teeth have a shelf to them that has cracked and left a ledge.  It is hard to explain just that the bonding all cracked and pushed upward so to speak.  I can't believe that at 17 months Jag is giving my brother Jonathan a run for his money (for those that don't know my brother has knocked his two front teeth out 11 times, the first of which I was home babysitting him as a young girl) can I handle all this?  Then to top the night off I picked up dinner for Jacqui, Ryan and I and parked Jacquis car in our driveway.  Ryan was in a hurry to run to his friends house and backed right into it and smashed the front door in.  Joy to the world we now ruined Jacquis car.  At least we know who did it and who has to pay for it.  No hit and runs here, no where to run to!  Wish I could find someplace to run for a little while or at least something stronger than the Prozac I already have!  If anyone is a pharmacist let me know...  Well I have to go fold about 4 loads of laundry and fix a screen door.  Hopefully I'll make it through another night of sick coughing gagging children.  If not I leave Jacqui my car.


Anonymous said...

Come on, I'm sure you've had worse than that! Sorry, though, to hear of your woes. I can get you tranquilizers as your doctor. Maybe now jacqui's car is broken she can't leave us.

vk said...

Oh Sweetheart,

I am so sorry. Life as a parent is pure joy and unspeakable anxiety! Sorry, wish I was there to help. I know it is upsetting about Jacqui's car but you tell Ryan, those are just things and no one was hurt. You can replace a car, not a family!!!!! Time will teach you what to freak out about. This isn't it...But I do understand :)


Sadie Lou said...

aaww its ok! i am sure you will have a better day tomorrow! :)

Nic said...

Oh Janae I am sorry. That kid is going to be tough! You will have a better week.

TD said...

We all have days like that. Hopefully you still get to leave on vacation. We should all get together and share the joys of parenthood!

JJ said...

Geez Janae. I'm so sorry and can't even begin to understand. I can only prepare myself for the years ahead with Brogan. My heart goes out to Ryan as well. It feels terrible to hit someone's car.

Hope everything works itself out and that you can still enjoy your vacation.

Ammon and Brooke said...

I don't even know what to say. ammon

Anonymous said...

Come see Mamaw, Janae. I'll try to make it better:) Things can only look better from here.

Love and kisses from KC!!

Caryn said...

Oh Nae! Maybe he isn't meant to have two front teeth! And Jacqui must must be meant to have a pristine car!!! Agh! Hey, take Russ up on his offer, ya never know when you'll need a little tranquility!

Oh yeah, have fun in Cali!

The Farnsworth Family said...

So sorry to hear about your crazy day. If Jag can hold on to those teeth a few months more, Dr. Dave will be there to correct any teeth problems Jag gets himself into. Until then, take Russ up on his offer :)

Lacey said...

I'm so sorry. I would have probably lost it. One thing after another in one day is so hard and exhausting.