Friday, April 4, 2008

Ode to Ryan

On the third it was Ryans 33rd Birthday!  So in behalf of my honey I am going to list 33 things that you may know or not know (or not want to know) about my Ry-Guy!

1. He LOVES the sand.  He would hang on any beach, any day, any time, all the time!
2. He loves horses.  His dream is to have his own horse someday and I don't doubt that it will happen.
3. He loves movies.  I think that he has probably seen almost every movie that comes out.  Blockbuster loves him.
4. He constantly is thinking.  His mind is always racing and he always has new ideas and great plans for the future.
5. Sleeping when he is around is tough...  The man snores like a freight train.  I once recorded it so that he could hear it in the morning.
6. He will talk to you while he is asleep.  He is tough to wake up so when you are talking to him if he has been asleep, beware.
7.  He loves Mexican food.  Preferably the extremely authentic.
8. He loves to take before pictures of himself when he starts a new work-out plan.  We have yet to take an after but he looks great, I will get one posted soon!
9. People are always asking for his business advice.  He is very business smart.
10. He is highly intelligent.  No joke he is close to being too smart.
11. He loves school.  He would go back to get more degrees at any time.
12. He has a handful of loyal great friends that have all been close since high school.  If that tells you what kind of friend he is!
13. He seems to always be the center of attention.  People love to be around him.  
14. He is crazy funny!!!
15. He is really thoughtful.  He always remembers birthdays, special occasions, holidays!  There is always a sweet note laying around from him on these days (if not more)!
16. He loves sports all kinds.
17. He is one of the most positive people that I know.
18.  He is resilient he has overcome some major hurdles in his life with no looking back.
19. He is so spur of the moment that it is hard for me to stay caught up.  He would take off on a vacation in a matter of minutes.
20. He loves to travel.  It is one of his favorite things in the world!
21. He often has bad luck but can always laugh it off!
22. He loves to stay up late at night.  He is definitely a night owl.
23. He loves children, I honestly think that he would adopt about a half a dozen if I could handle it.
24. He likes to do charity work.
25. He is a stubborn mule (hey, I had to put one negative one in there)!
26. He is confident and strong.
27. Terribly good-looking!
28. He always makes sure to vote and take a stance for his beliefs.
29. He has taught me what the most important things in life are and what are not!
30. A very generous man that will share or give to any and everyone.  I have never heard him tell anyone "no" that needs help!
31. The very BEST father in the world.  My children call him several times a day and want to see where he is and when he'll be back.  They always want him around and enjoy Daddy-Daughter dates more than anything else.
32. The best husband.  He is always there to help and to make sure that home life is running smoothly.  More importantly he puts me above almost everything.  I am so important to him!
33. A great example of a Priesthood leader and he makes me feel safe all the time. 

Just to give you a side note I wrote this all without having to stop and think about it once.  It all came so easily and I think that says a lot about my Ry-Guy!  Love you and look forward to so many more years with you!


Caryn said...

So sweet Janae. Who were you talking about again? Just teasing Ryan! Hope he had fun in Vegas!

Anonymous said...

That was so thoughtful and sweet. You guys seem so happy. Cute blog. If you want an invite to our blog send me an email and I will invite you.
talk to ya-Kristin and Mike

JJ said...

Happy Birthday, Ry-Guy! Hope you had a great day!

enginerd said...

33?! You're really getting old! (that coming from someone who is now plucking nose hairs daily) Don't worry, 33 is the 'new' 20!

Happy B-Day, Ryan. Did someone do the spanking machine for you or let you play in your cake?

Bryce and Brit said...

Happy Birthday Ryan! You are terribly good looking. And we would know!!! Love you!