Monday, May 12, 2008


First off I just want to say Happy Mothers Day to everyone.  I think the whole world has been touched by mothers in one way or another so we all have reason to celebrate this wonderful day.
I am personally grateful for my own mother that has stuck by me through thick and thin.  I think I gave my mother a mild stroke in high school with some of my antics but she kept on truckin' and never gave up.  I can honestly say that I now know what she was talking about all those years and all the things she said to me.  I now feel the same way about my own family and my role as a mother.  I love everything about her and all that she does for our family.  She is a wonderful mother and friend!
I also want to say how appreciative I am for my mother-in-law Lenna.  She is a wonderful woman who is the backbone to the family.  She never gives up through everything that she goes through and still has enough energy to be there for you!  She is a great example to us and I am glad that she is such a good friend as well.  We love you!
Now to tell you a little about our very own mothers day experience, hold on guys our life never ceases to excite.  Jag was not feeling so hot on Saturday but I truly didn't think much about it.  He had no fever and I thought he just had a mild cold.  By Saturday night it was a different story and things went from bad to worse.  His fever climb to 104 and very rarely dropped from there all night.  He started vomiting early morning hours of Sunday to the point that Ryan and I felt it was time to get help from someone a little more educated than ourselves.  We took him to the new hospital and went to the ER.  There was no one there and we were lucky enough to get straight back.  The Doctor came in and checked him out and ordered blood work, IV fluids, and a chest x-ray along with a breathing treatment.  I have never gone to the ER with any of our other children and it was quite an experience.  They could not find a vein on him due to the dehydration and seriously four nurses tried.  They finally called down a PICU nurse who completed the job.  This nurse thought that for sure we would be here through the night due to the fever and dehydration and said that she would see us later on her floor.  We all prayed that she was wrong.  All the tests were run and the conclusion was Croup, Dehydration, and high fever.  Once they gave him steroids and a full bag of fluids he seemed to perk up and was doing better.  I am so thankful for all the doctors and nurses that were there to help us out and they were all so friendly and kind.  I am also grateful for the plasma flat screen TVs and cable that were in every room.  We checked in at 6am and didn't leave until 4pm.  Needless to say Ryan and I got to watch a lot of shows.  I am so glad the Jag is so mellow and sat there on my chest the whole time and let them all do their jobs he was so good considering the circumstances.  So that was our day and we are still playing recovery from the lack of sleep!  It takes me a long time to play catch up if I have missed my naps....  But you all know that already!  Love you all and hope you show all mothers respect and admiration all year long.  It is a tough job...


TD said...

I am sorry that you ended up in the ER. Been there, done that! In fact my trip to the ER with Alex was also in Arizona. He ended up having three chest x-rays, running every test available including a spinal tap at 18 months. Then Jed had to get back to work, so he left me at the hospital with a recovering child. Alex and I flew back a few days later. We have not been back to visit his sister since this experience.
Hope you guys catch up on your sleep!

megan allen said...

Wow! Glad everything is ok!

Sadie Lou said...

wow! that is alot to do to a little boy! i am glad that he went through it well because that would have been an even worse experience if it had gone not so good! and i agree! i am sooo grateful for all the mothers in my life and i cant wait to be one! :)

Anonymous said...

So scary! I'm glad he is ok! Hey you know if you ever need quick advise or are not sure about something with your kiddo's you are sure welcome to call us and ask Mikes opinion. He would be more than happy to check out your little guy or let you know if it would be worth the craziness to take them in. Just a thought for kicks!

hornes said...

Just finished reading your blog! I am glad Jag is o.k. I hope he starts feeling better soon! I was floored that this is your first time in the ER with one of your children! You have been so lucky! With now having a boy (Jaggered Jag) and his track record so far, remember I am always here for you! I love you and your adorable kiddo's. I would do anything for you guys! I hope you catch up on your sleep! Oh and by the way I think you are the luckiest to have the two mothers you have! Amazing moms just like you!

hornes said...

Just finished reading your blog! I am glad Jag is o.k. I hope he starts feeling better soon! I was floored that this is your first time in the ER with one of your children! You have been so lucky! With now having a boy (Jaggered Jag) and his track record so far, remember I am always here for you! I love you and your adorable kiddo's. I would do anything for you guys! I hope you catch up on your sleep! Oh and by the way I think you are the luckiest to have the two mothers you have! Amazing moms just like you!

The Farnsworth Family said...

I am so happy Jag is OK. Nothing like feeling like a helpless mom when they are sick. Now t that Jag is ok the goal is to catch up on that lost sleep!

vk said...

Just wanted to thank you for your sweet comments. You need to know that I did MY very best and that you are doing your very best too. It is not an easy job but the rewards are undescribable! Here's to all mothers, and women who nurture.


Caryn said...

So happy Jag is doing better ! What an experience! One he gets better the pool is finally swimable!!!

&D designs said...

Janae: I'm glad Jag is doing better - it was fun to see you at serrons the other day - we'll have to go together next time - andi gooch