Monday, June 8, 2009

10 Milestones in 10 Years

Today Ryan and I celebrated ten years of marriage.  It is hard for us to believe that we are getting older!!!  I decided that I would write down ten milestones that took place in these past ten years some good some not so good but ALL learning and growing experiences that have made us better people and a tighter couple!
1. The purchase of our first house together.  I remember feeling so grown up and thinking that it was so fun to "play house" permanently.
2.  This might sound cheesy to some of you but when Ryan bought and surprised me with my first car I remember feeling so cool.  To have someone purchase something for you of that magnitude made me feel special.  Even though it was a need because we were both working and needed our own forms of transportation.
3.  Ryan starting his very own business with his partner Rustin Randall.  It was so awesome to go to "Mainstream Wireless" and hang out because my man owned it.  We had some great times with all our friends there and some not so great times with all the times the cops had to come and investigate the robberies.  Ryan became a dang good detective if you ask me.  Or anyone else he caught the guy himself!
4.  The birth of our first child Navie.  I don't think that you can ever truly prepare for how your life changes when you become a parent.  It has been wonderful yet scary and challenging all together.
5.  The surgery that changed a lot for us.  Every once in a while we think about this and wish we could rewind the clock.  However I think that Ryan and I have matured and learned a lot about ourselves going through this experience.
6.  The birth of our second daughter Blakely.  Life still seemed pretty easy with two!
7.  The sell of the Burkinshaws and Randalls baby "Costa Vida."  That restaurant was so much fun and we have some amazing memories there.  Those boys put in a lot of hard work and really established themselves during this step in their business.  It was sad to see it get sold but it felt like we had come full circle and really accomplished something great! 
8.  The birth of our first and only son Jagger.  I think that it was fulfilling to have a son after thinking that we were only going to have girls.  Don't get me wrong we cherish our girls but it is nice to get to see your world through the eyes of a rough, car playing, skateboarding, wild but terrible sweet loving little boy!  I adore watching Ryan with him!
9.  The purchase of our home that we live in now that feels like we could stay in for a very long time.  I love to plant my roots and it makes me feel extremely satisfied that we have not only a neighborhood that we love but that is full of children and a great school district to send our children to.  Plus add a great ward on top of that.
10.  The birth of our daughter Greer.  I forgot how wonderful it feels to have an innocent sweet baby around the house and to see the children shower her with attention and love.  We cant get enough of her and love to watch her grow everyday.
Ryan, you have been so instrumental in helping me grow into the person that I am more proud of today than I was in the past.  I feel that we have grown closer and are learning everyday how to become more united and unified in our eternal goals together.  I am proud of the father that you are to our children and for how they love to see you and spend time with you.  Thank you for sacrificing for me and for showing me what it means to love with you whole soul!  I love you Ryan and here's to ten more!!!  

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

A decade! That's awesome! Congrats! You have such a beatutiful fam by the way. (like you didn't already know!)