Monday, June 1, 2009

An Addiction!

My mother introduced me to something that I have just grown to obsess about!  She was visiting and I was complaining about how "streaky" my mirrors and windows were.  My mother quickly took me to The Home Depot and bought the most fabulous thing in the world.  It is a double sided squeegee!!!  It has a fluffy pad on one side and a blade on the other.  You spray the window down then rub it with the fabric and squeegee it off.  I am crazy about it.  I can honestly admit that my mirrors and windows stay so clean that I lay in wait wondering when someone will touch them so that I can clean them again.  I just get the biggest satisfaction cleaning the glass.  So to you mother,  thank you for showing me something wonderful and hopefully next visit you can share how to get those showers sparkly clean!!!  I am secretly hoping that there is a new fun tool involved in it!


Jen Olson Brown said...

I should go get one of those. My windows are dreadful, but I have all but given up. Thanks Janae!

Caryn said...

Please come clean my mirrors...

Richard F. Jardine said...

You funny girl. See you don't have to buy your kids BIG presents to make them happy, but we are an odd bunch aren't we? I am laughing, there is nothing better than a clean house!!!


Emma Jo said...

Ooh ooh! Come squeegy my house. My windows are in some serious need. Clean things make me happy, cleaning them doesn't make me AS happy but finding something that makes cleaning happy? It's a very good thing.