Thursday, June 18, 2009

Oh Blakely!!!

I am sitting on the couch this afternoon when Blakely walks in and hands me the phone and lets me know that it is for me.  This is a common occurrence in our house all my children love to answer the phone but Blakely especially loves to also make phone calls.  The lady on the other end informed me that it was 911 and she was wondering if we had an emergency.  It took me a while to realize that Blake had called and then just sat and chatted for a while with the lady before handing it over to me.   I think that Blake realized she didn't know how to answer the questions that were being asked.  I assured the woman that there was no emergency and that my 5 year old must have been "making calls" and she finally believed me and let me go.  I know several of you that get phone calls from her on almost a daily basis.  She absolutely  loves the telephone!  Sweet precious Blakely she was scared to death and really upset after I let her have it for calling the police but hey at least I know that if something is ever really wrong maybe she'll remember the number.  If I haven't traumatized her enough!  

1 comment:

vk said...

You can tell her that Aunt Nacky did the same thing and the police did come into the house! Also remember Thanksgiving in Denver when an unnamed source called 911. We ended up giving them fresh cookies for their trouble. It is a rite of passage, I guess.
